Amzpecty Mobile User's Manual

Install Amzpecty Mobile


Amzpecty Mobile is available on both the Apple App Store for iOS devices and the Google Play Store for Android devices. Click the respective links below to download the app for your device. 

Download Amzpecty Android Mobile App From Google Play Store

Download Amzpecty IOS Mobile App From Apple App Store

Supported Versions

For IOS,  IOS 13 or newer version.

For Android, Android 5.0 or newer version. 


How to Signup

After installing the Amzpecty Mobile App, click the Sign Up link at the bottom of the login page.

Input your Email and Password and click Create Account.

Account created confirmation page is displayed.

Next step is to check your email for the Activation link sent to your email.

Click on the activation link to activate your Amzpecty Mobile account.

Click Open Mobile App link to open Amzpecty Mobile App.


Open Amzpecty Mobile App

Make sure Amzpecty Mobile App is already installed on your device. Click the Amzpecty Mobile App icon. This should launch the Amzpecty Mobile App.

Buylist List Page

Add Buy List

Go to Home page and click the Add New BuyList button.



Device location services permission is required to use this feature.

Amzpecty can automatically associate your new buylist with your current location. Optionally, you can manually input your location information at the Location input field.

Buylist Name

You can input Buylist name to easily search the buylist. Buylist name is a required input.

Buylist Notes

You can input Buylist notes in the Notes input field. This is an optional field.

Add Products To Buylist

User can add products to buylist by scanning bar code or by entering keyword manually.

Lookup ASIN by Scanning UPC/EAN

Scan Bar Codes

Amzpecty can capture UPC/EAN information using your device camera through its scan barcode feature. Click the barcode icon inside your buylist. Point your camera to the barcode and Amzpecty will capture the UPC/EAN value.

After scanning, Amzpecty will lookup the matching ASIN equivalent of your scanned UPC/EAN.


No need to wait for the matching process to complete, you can just scan multiple UPCs and Amzpecty will do the search


Device camera permission is required to use the barcode scanning feature.

Lookup ASIN by Scanning UPC/EAN


Device camera permission is required to use the barcode scanning feature.

Before scanning there is a reminder from Amzpecty to access your camera to scan barcode.

Scan Bar Codes


No need to wait for the matching process to complete, you can just scan multiple UPCs and Amzpecty will do the search.

Amzpecty can capture UPC/EAN information using your device camera through its scan barcode feature. Click the barcode icon inside your buylist. Point your camera to the barcode and Amzpecty will capture the UPC/EAN value.

After scanning, Amzpecty will lookup the matching ASIN equivalent of your scanned UPC/EAN.

Lookup ASIN By Manual Input

Amzpecty can also search an ASIN using keyword search. Just input any keyword including UPC/EAN at the Search Amazon input field. Amzpecty will lookup Amazon for a matching ASIN.

Select Correct ASIN For Multiple Match Results

Amzpecty may return multiple matched ASINs for its Amazon Search. User will have the option to select the correct ASIN at the Multiple Matches page.

Check Seller Quantity | Product Data Snapshot

Get Product Data Snapshot

Click the Check Seller Quantity button of the product to trigger Product Data search.

Product Data Snapshot includes:

  • Product name
  • Number of offers for both FBA and FBM
  • Total Quantity
  • Sales Rank
  • Star Rating
  • Brand
  • Buybox Seller Name
  • Buybox Seller ID
  • Buybox Quantity
  • Buybox Price
  • Average Price
  • Minimum Price
  • Maximum Price
  • Estimated Breakeven Product Cost for FBA
  • Estimated Breakeven Product Cost for MFN
  • Seller Name
  • Seller ID
  • Seller Price
  • Seller Shipping Fee
  • Seller Quantity
  • Seller Condition
  • Seller Type (FBA or MFN)
  • Seller Rating
  • Product Condition
  • Product Condition Note
  • Minimum Order Quantity (MOQ)
  • Minimum Order Quantity Value

Estimate Profit Calculator

Amzpecty can lookup the Amazon Fees and estimate the break even product cost  for both FBA and FBM based on the Buybox Price.

Amzpecty's unique great feature is the Estimate Profit Simulation. At a glance, Amzpecty can simulate the product cost for both FBA and FBM at losing, break-even and profitable scenario based on the current Buybox Price. Clicking the row displays the profit calculation details that includes for both FBA and FBM:

  • Suggested Selling Price
  • Item Cost
  • Estimate Profit
  • Estimated Net Margin
  • Amazon Referral Rate
  • Amazon Referral Fee
  • Amazon Fixed Closing Fee
  • Amazon Variable Closing Fee
  • Amazon Fulfillment Fee
  • Amazon Storage Fee
  • Amazon Peak Season Storage Fee
  • Amazon Order Handling Fee
  • Amazon Pick and Pack Fee
  • Amazon Weight Handling Fee


Estimate Profit Calculator search is enabled by default and will run after the Product Data Snapshot search. This can be turned off at the Settings page.

Variation Search

Amzpecty can lookup the variations of the product. Variation information includes:

  • The number of variations
  • Variation ASIN
  • Variation Sales Rank
  • Variation fields like Size, Color
  • Variation Price
  • Variation Seller
  • Variation Seller Type
  • Variation Review Count
  • Variation Review Percentage
  • Variation Recent Review
  • Variation Offers Count


Click on the share icon to export the variations data into a TSV(Tab Separated Values) file.


Variation search is enabled by default and will run after the Product Data Snapshot search. This can be turned off at the Settings page.

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