Amzpecty Mobile App Settings

Go To Settings Page

Click the gear icon at the bottom of the Amzpecty Mobile App to go to the Settings page.

Buy Credits

Users can easily add credits anytime by going to Settings Page > Actions > Credits section.

Available Top Up Credit Options

  • 250 Credits
  • 600 Credits
  • 1,500 Credits
  • 4,000 Credits
  • 10,000 Credits
  • 30,000 Credits

Prices may vary based on your location.

Credits History

At this section, Amzpecty Mobile can display usage and credit history in greater detail.


Amzpecty downloadable files can be located on this section.


Global Settings Tab

Global settings applies to all devices where the account is logged in.

Device Settings Tab

Device settings only applies to the current device.

Continuous Scan

Continuos Scan when enabled allows successive scanning of bar codes without the need to wait for the data snapshot process to complete before the scan begins.

Product Data Snapshot Quick Search


Product Data Snapshot will not run automatically when Asin Matching returns multiple matches. Product Data Snapshot will run only after the correct ASIN is selected.

Quick Search when enabled allows Product Data Snapshot to run right after Asin Matching. 

Estimate Profit Quick Search


Estimate Profit Quick Search will not run automatically when Asin Matching returns multiple matches. Estimate Profit Quick Search will run only after the correct ASIN is selected.

Request Estimate Profit when enabled allows Estimate Profit lookup to run automatically right after ASIN Matching.

Sound  Notification

Sound Notificated when enabled will provide audible sound for various actions within the app.


Biometrics allows biometric enabled capability like FaceID, TouchID, Finger Print of mobile devices for automatic login.

Offers Item Condition Filter

Amzpecty Mobile has no filter by default. User will have the option to filter results based on item condition.

Available options:

  • all
  • new
  • used
  • renewed
  • collectible
  • refurbished

Target Amazon Country

Amzpecty Mobile's default target Amazon Country is USA.

Available options:

  • Japan
  • United Kingdom
  • Canada
  • Germany
  • France
  • Italy
  • Mexico
  • Spain
  • Australia
  • Turkey
  • Singapore
  • UAE
  • India

Default FBA Cost

User will have the option to set the default FBA Cost.

Default FBM Cost

User will have the option to set the default FBM Cost.

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